Arbor Day

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    Arbor Day

    What is Arbor Day ?

    Arbor Day is the celebration of humankind’s link with nature through the recognition of the relation-ship between people and trees.

    Julius Sterling Morton – Morton was a native of New York State. Born in Adams, New York on April 22, 1832, he later moved to Nebraska where he observed a group of Volga Germans and their tree planting practices and the considerable expertise with which they did the plantings.
    These energetic German people recognized tree’s soil holding and wind breaking properties. From these ceremonies,Morton came up with the idea tocelebrate trees once a year.

    Over the years Arbor Day has spread to all 50 states and all parts of the globe asa very special day to recognize the wonderful partnership between people and trees.

    The first Arbor Day was celebrated on April 10, 1872 in Nebraska. It was given the status of a Legal Holiday in Nebraska In 1885 and was celebrated on

    April 22, Morton’s birthday.

    Today, most states celebrate Arbor Day on the last Friday in April


    In the early years the state of Nebraska was a treeless plain. When Morton made Nebraska his home he promoted the planting of trees on these barren plains
    Arbor Day is a Truly American Holiday:
    Arbor Day was started in America, by an American,

    for Americans

    Who Should Celebrate Arbor Day?

    Every one of us should celebrate Arbor Day because we are all dependent on our planet and its resources.

    Trees are one of our long time treasures, and are an essential part of our very existence.